Monday, January 25, 2010

More from Carley's Trimble Family shoot

I caught up with the Trimble family again, just before Christmas, to capture some more family fun. This is a favourite of mine, I love how it depicts the stage babies go through when they realise they can actually crawl AWAY from their parents!

Catching up after the Christmas and New Year Chaos!

Now that the holiday season has come to a close and the children are ALMOST back to school (2 more days and counting...), I thought it was high time I got back into the swing of things here in the office. It's time to catch up on editing and post processing those last minute Christmas shoots that were squeezed into the schedule between chasing lost Christmas Lay-Bys and packing for holidays! So, to all my families waiting for pics - I'm back and on the job!
And just because no post is complete without a photo, here is one of my favourites from the Land family session. Addison and Bailey are in my favourite holiday pose looking all relaxed and stress free. Maybe I'm not quite ready to get back to work after all?
Happy 2010 - Carley xo

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Carley meets sweet baby Paelyn

I've said it before, but I'll say it again... newborns are my favourite things in the whole, wide, world. They fascinate me in so many ways, and they remind me that miracles do happen. It amazes me that we can grow a whole new person right there inside of us, and shooting newborns reminds me of my own treasured experiences. So, to be able to help Bec and Matt capture this special time in their lives is truly a blessing to me, and what a beautiful shoot it was with little Miss Paelyn sleeping and feeding sweetly the entire time. Thanks so much to Bec and Matt for welcoming me into your home and allowing me the opportunity to create some sweet memories for you to treasure always.