A looonnng time ago, before Peppermint Creek was even a twinkle in our eye, Megan's lovely mum purchased a gift voucher from me as a Christmas present to her daughter and grandchildren. Of course, Megan's lovely mum knew that once the shoot had taken place, well... the voucher would be the gift that keeps on giving! However, the timing just wasn't right for Megan. Little Marcus had some health problems and, as so often happens, the gift voucher was put in "a safe place" and there it stayed for quite some time.
Thankfully, Megan's lovely mum never gave up on that voucher... Every nanny knows that the most precious gift of all are our children and the memories we create each and every day. Our little ones grow and change sooo fast, and without our treasured photographs that time just seems to go by even faster.
So, it is with great pleasure that I post a sneak peek of Megan and Michael's family session this week. I dedicate it to Megan's lovely mum... a woman who knows what matters most!